Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Frozen Bread Dough Cinnamon Balls

I love finding new uses for frozen bread dough. We've made stromboli and pizza. I decided to try and make some cinnamon balls for a fun breakfast. I thawed the bread in the fridge the night before. Before we started school the next morning, I asked the girls if they wanted to make something new. I had them roll the balls, dip them in the melted margarine then in a mixture of brown sugar and cinnamon. They had so much fun making them and the smell while they were baking was incredible. They were so good and reminded me almost of a Cinnabon.

Frozen Bread Dough Cinnamon Balls

1 loaf frozen bread dough, thawed
1/2 cup brown sugar
1-3 tsp cinnamon
3-4 tbsp dairy free margarine, melted

Form the dough into 1-2” balls. Combine the brown sugar and cinnamon. Roll the balls into the melted margarine then into the brown sugar mixture. Place the coated balls into an 8x8 or round baking dish. Pour any remaining margarine and brown sugar mixture over the dough. Heat the stove to the lowest setting. Place the bread in the stove then turn off the heat. After 30 minutes, turn the oven to 350 then bake for 25-30 minutes or until cooked through. Cool for a few minutes before serving.
* If desired, drizzle with a confectioner’s sugar glaze while still hot.

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