Thursday, August 12, 2010

Egg Free, Dairy Free Oat Pancakes

This is how I made Jazlyn's pancakes before she outgrew her wheat allergy. I never got into trying the different flours (just barley) so we used oats in place of everything. Sorry I don't have a picture. I just posted this recipe to my online food allergy group and wanted to share it here too.

Oat Pancakes

1 cup quick cooking oats
3 tbsp oil
1 1/4 cup boiling water
1 tbsp sugar

Mix all ingredients until thoroughly combined. Let rest for 3-5 minutes. Drop onto hot sprayed griddle over medium heat. Flip when edges turn golden brown. Continue cooking for 2-3 minutes.
*  Jazzy liked to dip her pancakes in chocolate syrup or applesauce.
*  We also liked adding raisins, coconut and/or cocoa to the batter.
*  Jazzy also liked these in place of bread for sandwiches and other uses.

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